Keeping Heathy Over the Festive Period

Keeping Heathy Over the Festive Period

We have made it through an incredibly stressful year and as we get towards the end, if you are like us, you will be ready for a well-deserved break! In fact, relaxing and stuffing our faces with all the Christmas treats sounds amazing. Office parties, after work drinks and multiple Christmas dinners – ’tis truly the season for indulgence.

However, if you have worked hard on your fitness this entire year then you will probably be having a bit of a mental fight with yourself as the treats & drinks start to flow – our best advice – DON’T.

You have worked hard so you can enjoy yourself over the Festive break and not worry about indulging. Below we have added the best ways to stay fit and healthy through this period!

Number 1: Set realistic goals!

Everyone deserves a rest, and the Christmas break is a great time to take some well-earned downtime. Do not be too hard on yourself but keep sight of your fitness goals – set yourself realistic goals with plenty of time for rest and enjoying the company of family and friends.

Try and maintain a low but sustainable level of exercise, rather than blasting yourself at the gym everyday after you eat a sweet treat or an extra mince pie!

Les ills trainer stretching

Number 2: Drink lots of water

Make sure if you are consuming alcohol over the festive period to keep your water intake high! Drinking plenty of water not only suppresses appetite; it also boosts your metabolism, helping you to digest the festive treats faster and more efficiently.

Drink water during working out

Number 3 -Enjoy the sun!

This could be getting out for a short walk every morning, or even an online class during a 30 minute free time in the garden. You will soak up Vitamin D as well as get some decent sun rays and finish feeling refreshed!

sun salutation in the sun les mills

 Number 4: Optimise your workout

If you’re particularly short on time over the Christmas season, plan a more intensive workout to get the most of your workout window. Try Les Mills on Demand or a TRX workout and burn optimum calories in short space of time! Think smarter not harder!

 Number 5: Workout with a mate!

Holidays are best spent with friends and family, so get them together and workout together! This way you will commit to working out together over the holiday. This can ensure you see your fitness goals through, as you can hold each other accountable.

workout with a mate TRX

 Go for nice sunny walks, join an online class together or plan to go for a wine but walk to and from the bar – WIN/WIN! Working out at home can be just as effective as the gym.